Sword Art Online Hollow Realization Is Dual Blades Worth It?

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This list documents all known Sword Skills that are featured in Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment.

Note: There are no "dash-type" Sword Skills, as engaging in battle usually starts with a nuance and a normal attack, depending on the altitude between the actor and a nearby or targeted enemy. Skills with the Esoteric Skill marker must be unlocked via an in-game DLC quest, while Sword Skills with listed user(south) are NPC Moves and cannot be used by the player. Skills marked as an Ultimate Skill or Esoteric Skill take a special weapon-specific start-up animation earlier the skill actually plays. Beingness striking by disabling effects or a potent plenty assault mid-blitheness will cancel the skill with no compensation. For Esoteric Skills, any harm at all volition result in the skill being interrupted.

One-Hand Dagger [ ]

Name Description Combo Accuracy Type
Armor Pierce The first dagger Sword Skill learned. Delivers a precise, rending thrust. May inflict "Def. Down" on target. 1 High Thrust
Side Bite 2 Medium Slash
Circular Accel Surface area Attack 2 High Slash
Cross Edge Traces a cantankerous with two slashes with the dagger. May inflict "Dex. Down" on target. ii Loftier Slash
Rapid Bite Applies Vit. Down ii High Thrust
Tri Pierce A set of 3 thrusts to the vertices of an imaginary triangle. May inflict "Agi. Down" on target. 3 High Thrust
Fad Edge A swift philharmonic of forward-facing slashes. May cause Bleeding on target. 4 Loftier Thrust
Infinite A heavy, 2-handed attack that traces an space symbol with the dagger, followed by a concluding up swing to tiptop-left. May inflict "Str. Down" on target. 5 High Thrust
Shadow Stitch A horizontal slash followed past ii sweeping kicks. May cause Paralysis on target. 3 High Blunt
Accel Raid A flurry of highly precise strikes, i afterward another. May inflict "Hitting Downward" on target. 9 Extreme Slash
Gravity Magnum Element Implementation Research. Improved attack from rear. Defence force Down. 4 High Thrust
Eternal Cyclone Ultimate Skill 4 Medium Thrust
Sonic Resonance Used by Philia and Silica.
Starlight Splash Esoteric Skill 8 Medium Thrust

One-Mitt Sword [ ]

Name Description Combo Accuracy Type
Sonic Leap May Bind 1 Medium Slash
Vorpal Strike A sword-commencement forward dash with the user's sword that pierces through the target, and additionally deals damage in an area around the user. 3 [† 1] High Thrust
Camber A swift, diagonal slash from acme-right to bottom-left. May inflict Darkness L2 on target. i Medium Slash
Horizontal A wide spin slash from left to correct. Can hit multiple targets. i Medium Slash
Vertical A bound followed past a forceful, down slash. May crusade Light Stun on target. ane High Slash
Star Quint Prominence A prepare of 5 slashes tracing a star shape, and a terminal thrust to its center. Grants Double Attack to user. six Medium Thrust
Horizontal Square A set up of four slashes, each etching out 1 side of an imaginary foursquare on the target. May inflict "Def. Downward" on target. four High Slash
Vertical Square Causes Heavy Paralysis 4 Medium Slash
Fell Fulcrum Applies Atk. And Def. Down 4 [† 2] Medium Slash
Falling star Break [† 3] Heavy Attack 3 [† four] Medium Blunt [† 5]
Phantom Rave Ultimate Skill 6 Medium Slash
Shadow Explosion Undercover Finisher / Esoteric Skill 7 Medium Slash
Fairy Edge Used past Leafa 4 Slash
Silpheed Hurricane Used past Leafa. The skill is obtained by completing the statue quest in Graceleaf Bay Area. iv Medium Slash
Sharp Nail Used past Yuuki three Slash

Scimitar (1-hand Curved Sword) [ ]

Name Description Combo Accuracy Type
Fell Crescent Area Attack i Loftier Slash
Leaver [† 6] An uppercut followed by a down stroke. Can hit multiple targets and may cause Bleeding. 2 [† 7] Medium Slash [† 8] )
Farrant Fullmoon Causes Light Stun four Medium Slash
Bear Knock Heavy Area Assault 4 Medium Blunt
Oval Crescent Area Attack 3 Medium Slash
Death Creep Expanse Set on. Applies Evade Down i Medium Slash
Lasing Chopper 4 High Slash
Melee Slash Heavy Assault 4 Medium Slash
Dancing Hellraiser Applies Def. Down iv High Slash
Legion Destroyer Ultimate Skill. Causes Bleeding 7 Medium Slash
Butterfly Illusion Secret Finisher / Esoteric Skill iv Medium Slash

One-Hand Rapier [ ]

Name Description Philharmonic Accuracy Blazon
Linear The starting time rapier Sword Skill learned. Performs a quick, forceful thrust to the front end. Can hit multiple targets and may cause Bind. one Medium Thrust
Streak A horizontal sweep from left to correct. Can hit multiple targets. 1 Loftier Slash
Higher up An upward sweep with the rapier. May cause Light Stun on target. 1 Medium Slash
Over Radiation A concatenation of ten heavy strikes to the front end. 10 Medium Thrust
Rip Ravine Applies ASpd. Down. 2 Medium Slash
Sweep Area Set on. Causes Darkness L1. 2 Medium Slash
Accel Stub Heavy Attack. Grants Bonus Attacks. 3 Medium Thrust
Penetrate Applies Def. Down. 3 High Thrust
Spica Caliber Heavy Thrust Attack. Applies Atk And Evade Down. 5 Medium Thrust
Delta Assail A fix of iii heavy slashes that traces a triangle shape. Can hit multiple targets and may inflict Evade Downwards. three Medium Slash
Flashing Penetrator [† nine] Ultimate Skill. 9 Medium Thrust
Twilight Resurrection Surreptitious Finisher / Esoteric Skill. 35 Medium Thrust
Acceleration Burst Used by Asuna. Thrust

Dual Blades [ ]

Proper noun Clarification Combo Accurateness Type
End Revolver The commencement Dual Blades Sword Skill learned. A full-circumvolve spin slash with the right sword followed by a sideways slash with the left sword. Can hit multiple targets around the user and may cause Demark. 2 Medium Slash
Endless Spike A set of four downward strikes using both swords. Can striking multiple targets. 4 High Slash
Locus Hexedra Traces a hexagon with slashes from both swords causing a blast. May cause Paralysis on target. 7 Medium Slash
Depth Bear on Makes three crossing slashes to the front, followed by a thrust with the right sword then another with the left sword. May inflict "Def. Downwards" on target. v Medium Slash
Expressionless Intersection Applies Atk. Downwardly. 5 Medium Slash
Shine Circular A series of spinning slashes with both swords, followed by multiple downward cuts and finally a powerful forwards thrust with both swords. May inflict Darkness L1 on target. fifteen Medium Slash
Crimson Splash A heavy attack consisting of diverse high-speed slashes with both swords. 8 Medium Slash
Inferno Raid A flurry of spinning, slanted slashes following a slash to the right with either swords. 9 High Slash
Star Burst Stream [† 10] A high-level Sword Skill for Dual Blades consisting of numerous cantankerous-slashes and spinning strikes. Grants Attack Speed Up to user. 16 Medium Slash
Nightmare Rain sixteen Loftier Slash
Blackhowling Assault Implement Skill. Grants On-Striking Bst. Recovery. Causes S. Hit Down eighteen Medium Slash
The Eclipse The concluding Sword Skill learned for Dual Blades. The Eclipse unleashes a relentless barrage of highly devastating slashes with both swords. 27 Medium Slash
Nebular Empress (Esoteric Skill) 22 Medium Slash

One-Hand Mace [ ]

Proper name Description Philharmonic Accurateness Type
Silent Blow Area Attack. 1 Medium Blunt
Power Strike Area Assault. Causes Light Stun. 1 Medium Blunt
Upper Swing Causes Lite Stun. two Medium Blunt
Strike Heart Applies SP Downward. Causes Stun. three Medium Blunt
Diastrophism Applies Max SP Downward. Causes Stun. 5 Medium Blunt
Thrice Blow Causes Chance Increase and Low-cal Stun. three Medium Blunt
Fell Strike Causes Chance Increase. 3 Medium Edgeless
Trinity Arts Heavy Attack. 3 Medium Blunt
Mjolnir Hammer Interrupts Actions. 4 Medium Blunt
Variable Blow Ultimate Skill. viii Medium Edgeless
Holy Crown Hole-and-corner Finisher / Esoteric Skill. v Medium Edgeless
Mind Impact Used past Lisbeth. two Edgeless

Two-Hand Axe [ ]

Name Description Combo Accurateness Type
Whirl Current of air [† 11] Omnidirectional Expanse Set on. 2 [† 12] Medium Slash
K Destruct Area Attack. 1 High Slash
Smash Area Attack. 1 Medium Slash
Lumber Jack Applies Evade Downward. 3 Medium Slash
Ultimate Breaker Causes Lite Stun. 3 Medium Slash
Crescent Avalanche Heavy Attack. 7 Medium Slash
Crimson Blood Applies Def. Downward. 3 Medium Slash
Bruise Act Extremely Heavy Attack. 3 Low Slash
Explode Catapult 3 Extreme Slash
Dynamic Violence Ultimate Skill. 4 Medium Slash
Spiral Dimension Secret Finisher / Esoteric Skill. Medium Slash

Two-Paw Spear [ ]

Name Clarification Philharmonic Accuracy Blazon
Twin Thrust Area Attack. Causes Paralysis. 2 High Thrust
Hellical Twice Omnidirectional Area Assail. 2 Medium Thrust
Sonic Charge Area Assail. Applies ASpd. Downwardly. one Medium Thrust
Fatal Thrust Causes Darkness L3 1 Medium Thrust
Revolve Arts Area Attack. Applies Atk. Down. 5 Medium Thrust
Vent Forth Expanse Attack. Applies Evade Down. 4 Medium Thrust
Dancing Spear Area Attack. Applies Def. Down 5 Medium Thrust
Trip Expand Area Attack [† 13] . Applies Hit Down. Causes Stun 6 Medium Thrust
Dimension Stampede Ultimate Skill 6 Medium Thrust
Imperial Southern Cross Cloak-and-dagger Finisher / Esoteric Skill 5 Medium Thrust

Katana [ ]

Note: Skill names have spaces to delineate dissever Kanji
Notation: Translations obtained from Jisho
Proper noun Translation Description Combo Accuracy Type
Tsumuji Guruma Revolving Bicycle Surface area Attack 1 Loftier Slash
Uki Fune Floating Gunkhole Surface area Assail. Causes Bleeding. 1 Medium Slash
Hi Ougi Ruby Fan Causes Take a chance Increase and Bleeding. 3 Medium Slash
Tsuji Kaze Whirlwind Causes Low-cal Stun and Bleeding. 1 Medium Slash
Gen Getsu Phantom Moon Causes Darkness L2 and Bleeding. 2 [† 14] Medium Slash
Wa Shu Liquor Causes Bleeding. 5 Medium Slash
Ra Setsu Rakshasa Applies Def. Downwardly. Causes Bleeding. 3 Medium Slash
Shinonome Daybreak Applies Evade Down. Causes Bleeding. 3 Loftier Slash
San Ge Penitence Ultimate Skill. Causes Haemorrhage. five Medium Slash
Amatsu no Homura Surreptitious Finisher / Esoteric Skill. Medium Slash
Akatsukirei Grants SP Gain Effect. Chemical element Implementation Research. four High

Two-Hand Sword [ ]

Proper noun Clarification Combo Accuracy Type
Avalanche Expanse Assail 1 Loftier Slash
Blast Omnidirectional Area Attack. Causes Light Stun. 2 Medium Slash
Storm Area Attack. Grants Counter. 1 Medium Slash
Eruption Area Attack. Grants Double Attack. two Medium Slash
Scooped [† 15] Area Attack. Grants Atk. Upwardly. iii Medium Blunt
Lightning Surface area Attack. Grants Bonus Attacks. iv Medium Slash
Meteor Fall Surface area Attack. Grants Perfect Accuracy. 3 [† 16] Medium Slash [† 17]
Fight Bract Area Set on. 6 Medium Blunt
Astral Hell Area Attack. Grants ASpd. Upward. 7 Medium Slash
Calamity Disaster Ultimate Skill. Grants Concrete Bulwark. 6 Medium Slash
Catastrophe Eraser Secret Finisher / Esoteric Skill. 5 Medium Slash

Notes [ ]


Source: https://swordartonline.fandom.com/wiki/Sword_Art_Online:_Hollow_Fragment/Sword_Skills

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